I decided to a fairly longish dog walk this morning, starting through the St Andrews fields, down into the bottom fields and back along the Great Central path. It was pleasantly cool, but bright and it was a pleasure to hear the songs of migrant Warblers, Buntings and Skylarks. Allegedly, when you hear a Skylark, you should lay in the field to hear a message. Mine was "get up you lazy sod"!
In the fields, I passed the time of day with my favourite post! Its a good listener!
At the start of the Great Central path, at the Onley Lane end, I was intrigued by this notice -
I cannot help wondering what the police get up to here and why they need to warn us of their activities!
I'm not a flower person despite growing up in the 50's and 60's, but I couldn't resist a bit of fauna! I'd be pleased to know what they might be!
Daisies waiting for the Sun
Bluebell ? Spanish?
Today's Rant!
Scary! A number of years ago, some strange street furniture started to infiltrate our society! What on earth could they be? They come in various colours and designs and are found in areas frequented by dogs and their owners! They must be really scary to some dog owners who cannot summon the courage to approach them! Let me reassure you, they are NOT scary at all so PLEASE USE THEM!
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