Sunday, 31 August 2014

31st August 2014

Well, its the end of August and autumn seems to be early this year. The fruit and berry crops seem to be profuse, which will no doubt soon lead to predictions of a severe winter! Our walk this morning was a challenge with the ginger beast refusing to walk down the grassland field. Some dragging and tempting with treats eventually persuaded her and a pleasant walk was had!

Hopefully back in stock soon!

Feeling Autumnal?

Sunday, 24 August 2014

24th August 2014

I don't think I'll risk it!

This morning we decided to re-visit the fishing pool near the Rainsbrook Crematorium. "Checkpoint Charcoal" was well and truly secure - barrier down and pedestrian entrance barriered with a metal gate! Not to be deterred, we went around via the Great Central Path. The pool is rather eerie and dark and covered with algae. The only life was a large family of Moorhens, several Wood Pigeons and a Robin (singing mournfully!). I wonder if any fish survive?

The Pool

Crowning Glory!

Spotted this caterpillar and of course, I have no idea what species it is!

Rowan (brightening the gloom!)

Plenty of Elderberries!

I know a cat went in here!

Thursday, 21 August 2014

21st August 2014

Sky Art

Another bright and pleasant start to the day but with a very "autumnal" feel! We took our longer walk encompassing the St Andrews Fields, the grassland and new Jubilee Woodlands and finally the Great Central Walk (Ashlawn cutting).

Sky Art

"Mooooooooved" by the Sky Art!

The Bedeguar Gall (Robins Pincushion) created by the Gall Wasp.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

19th August 2014

Early Morning

Our walk this morning was the longer route taking in the grasslands, developing Jubilee Woodland and the Great Central Walk (Ashlawn Cutting). There was certainly an autumnal feel to the morning! Scents must have been prolific because it seemed that Symphony needed to sniff at every blade of grass!

Early Morning

The Grassland

Great Central Walk (Ashlawn Cutting)

Not sure what this is?

A good crop!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Congratulations Abigail! - 14th August 2018

A break in the hedge!

After several weeks of waiting, the day finally arrived! The culmination of two years hard work! It is of course, A-level results day! Abigail is on a music course in Gloucester but wanted to be part of the results ritual so we fetched her enabling her to share the emotions of opening the envelope! The results were excellent, enabling Abigail to accept her place at Durham University, reading music. Well done Abigail, a well deserved success!

Symphony went to pieces on hearing the good news!

Rowan Berries


A dull daybreak!