Thursday, 29 May 2014

29th May 2014

Well, what a horrid week! The weather has been atrocious and the dog walks somewhat restricted with the return of sodden fields and rancid muddy puddles! Today, hopefully marks the start of something better, milder, brighter and some sunny intervals. Unfortunately, for me, I had my diabetic retinopathy at lunchtime, which involves the wide dilation of my pupils, making me almost blind in bright / sunny conditions! Even with sunglasses, the brightness was quite painful and I stumbled around like a bumble wurzil! I felt obliged to attempt a few images, even though I could not see anything on my screen! Symphony was quite happy when her friend Marty joined in the play!

Saturday, 24 May 2014

24th May 2014

Oak Apple (Gall)

Well, today has been one of two halves! This morning was slightly damp after overnight rain, with light drizzle in the breeze. The fields were deep in grass, wet and feet soaking! The weather deteriorated into heavy rain which continued until mid afternoon when the Sun made an appearance, so time for a proper dog walk! Donning wellies this time, when we got to the St Andrews fields, despite the rain, the grass had been mown! Guess who felt very over-dressed in the warm sunshine!

Oak Apple (Gall)

The Ginger Beast (aka Symphony!)



A pastoral scene

Is feeling "artistic"! This I call "Yellow Flower in a Muddy Puddle" (with fly). In years to come it may be worth millions!

Friday, 23 May 2014

23rd May 2014

This afternoons dog walk was under threatening skies and a hint of rain in the strong breeze. Unfortunately, the breeze caused quite a bit of motion blur but hey ho! My aim was to introduce a bit of colour into a grey day.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Northumberland - 10th - 17th May 2014

A difference of opinion?

Pastures new for Symphony - a holiday in Northumberland, staying in Seahouses in a very comfortable cottage, five minutes walk from the harbour. We had some really long walks and became very tired dog and humans! I hope you enjoy looking at some of the images taken on our dog walks!

Seahouses 14th May 2014

Seahouses looking out to the Farne Islands

Serenity II - our transport to the Farnes

Craster & Dunstanburgh Castle 15th May 2014

Dunstanburgh Castle


Farne Islands Sunset Cruise 15th May 2014

Seahouses Harbour

Sunset from the Farne Islands

Symphonys first boat trip, not too happy and spent a lot of time under the seat refusing to come out!