Saturday 28 June 2014

28th June 2014

Greed / Avarice - call it what you will! The image above depicts the site of a proposed "housing development" on Ashlawn Road, Rugby, between Ashlawn School and the St Andrews sports fields. The proposal is for c80 houses! WTF? Thousands of houses are planned for the brownfield site of the Rugby radio masts so we hardly need to build on green fields or farmland. Green fields and woodland seem to be a source of irritation to the government and councils. Build on them is the cry! I even heard one "t**t" suggest that mature woodland could be moved ??? and wildlife could and would move along the road! What planet are these people on? Developers are only interested in money and landowners are willing to sell without thought. Destroy the natural habitats and farmland and see our lives and our children's lives changed forever.

Houses OR..........

These images have been taken in the vicinity of the proposed development. OPPOSE this stupidity!

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